Oh F*ck Yeah with Ruan Willow

Discover the Goddess Within: Mind-blowing Vaginal Gymnastics Pompoir Empowering Women with Bel Di Lorenzo

Ruan Willow / Bel Di Lorenzo Season 5 Episode 552

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Season 5, Episode 552: Discover the Goddess Within with Mind-blowing Vaginal Gymnastics Pompoir Empowering Women with author and coach Bel Di Lorenzo!

Discovering the Art of Vaginal Gymnastics and techniques! Join Ruan Willow in an enlightening conversation with Bel Di Lorenzo, the CEO and founder of Goh!ddess, as they delve into the transformative practice of vaginal gymnastics, also known as pompoir. In this episode, Bel shares her journey of empowering women worldwide through the Goh!ddess Method, a practice that enhances female pleasure, boosts libido, and amplifies orgasms. Discover how mastering the pelvic floor muscles can lead to a more fulfilling sexual experience and why vaginal fitness is a game changer for women's health. Get the book "The Goh!dess Method" (affiliate link, podcast may receive commissions on sales, thank you!) https://amzn.to/403GUgj

Bel explains the science behind pompoir, offering insights into the intricate control of pelvic floor muscles and the benefits it brings, from increased sexual frequency to the ability to experience penetrative orgasms. Learn about the various exercises and techniques that can be incorporated into your daily routine to strengthen these muscles and improve your sexual wellness, sexual health, and vaginal health.

Explore the empowering stories of women who have transformed their lives through this practice, and find out how you can embark on your own journey of sexual empowerment and self-discovery. This is powerful sex education!

Quotes from Bel Di Lorenzo
"The stronger your pelvic floor muscles are, the stronger your orgasm response."
"Your vagina is designed to give you pleasure."
"With great power comes great responsibility."
Quotes from Ruan Willow
"Who doesn't want to have an amazing orgasm?"
"Our bodies were created with pleasure in mind."

01:54 Vaginal gymnastics is the art of mastering pelvic floor muscles
13:57 Once you start training consistently, you become aroused much more often
18:33 First thing you want to do is get your pelvic floor muscles strong
22:01 Next step is differentiating between a contraction and the squeeze
26:27 So when people just understand kegel, they don't understand the whole process
33:10 Your vagina is designed to give you a lot of pleasure, and your partner too
36:23 What do you find more helpful getting the book or doing the course
41:14 A lot of women come to us for low libido
45:15 women as we age...
48:24 If you train throughout the week, it's going to make your orgasm stronger
53:09 It's your body. Do whatever you want with this power, use it wisely
54:32 I love helping married couples
57:26 So where do you see yourself going next

Website: http://www.gohddess.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gohddess
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pompoir/
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Show notes created by headliner dot app

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Season 5, Episode 552: Discover the Goddess Within with Mind-blowing Vaginal Gymnastics Pompoir Empowering Women with author and coach Bel Di Lorenzo!
This transcript was not edited by a human so it's not 100% accurate so expect misspellings and mistakes. Please email questions to ruanwillow@gmail. com

To connect with Bel Di Lorenzo: Business Name: Goh!ddess Ltd
Website: http://www.gohddess.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@gohddess
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/pompoir/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@goh.ddess
Book "The Goh!ddess Method" (affiliate link, podcast may receive a commission on purchases. Thank you!)  https://amzn.to/403GUgj

Transcript by headliner app:

Hello everyone. This is Willow and I'm excited to talk to you

>> Ruan Willow: Hello everyone. This is ruin Willow and I'm super excited to talk to this person. This is going to be mind blowing and exciting and wonderful and potentially life changing for people. I think so. Absolutely.

Bel Di Lorenzo is the CEO and founder of Goh!ddess

I want to welcome Bel Di Lorenzo. Did I say your name correctly?

>> Bel Di Lorenzo: That was perfect. You just got to do the Italian hand gesture. Bel Di Loreno.

>> Ruan Willow: Lorenzo is the CEO and founder of Goh!ddess and author of the best selling book, the Goddess method which dives into the world of pompoir. I don't even know if I say that right. Or vaginal gymnastics. Over the years she has empowered women worldwide by coaching them in this practice which enhances female pleasure, boosts libido and amplifies orgasms. Her mission is to help more women discover the transformative power of pompoir. Am I saying that right?

>> Bel Di Lorenzo: Pompoir is perfect. That's what we say. Pompoir is lovely.

>> Ruan Willow: Through practical science backed content and to pioneer advancements in female health research. Welcome. I'm so excited to talk with you.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: I am so excited. Ron, I was just telling you just for the audience, to prepare for this podast, I started listening to your show and I was specifically listening to some of the stories that you tell, some of the erotica and I was like, oh my God, I don't think I can keep. I don think I can continue listening to this without taking a cold shower before the podcast. Because you are just phenomenal at this. Just so good. yeah, you just put people right in the mood. So I was like, no, no, no'll relax.

>> Ruin Willow: Well, thank you. I love to hear that. I love hearing people that listen. I've had people say, oh, I listen to you at worker than then they're like, oh, then I have to stop. Right? Like that's fantastic.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, absolutely.

Vaginal gymnastics is the art of mastering pelvic floor muscles

>> Ruin Willow: Well, I think in everyone's brain probably is thinking what in the world could vaginal gymnastics be?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yeah, it's vaginal gymnastics is's kind of a transformative practice, but also something that seems very straightforward when you start thinking about it. But essentially it is the art of mastering the pelvic floor muscles, those that surround the vaginal canal to do all sorts of crazy techniques. So you developed complete control over each fiber of the pelvic floor. The vagine, as you know, it's almost like a cylinder. It's an orifice. So it's surrounded by muscles. Which means that not only do we have different levels of depth to our muscles, we have the muscles on the right side on the left side on the front, at the back, as you gather control, you and you develop this, these muscles and this dexterity. You're able to create a whole array of very, very flasurable techniques in the bedroom. And we talk about squeezing, locking, milking, whipping, twisting, ringing. So students of pompoire really are just complete vaginal goddesses. Which is why we decided to call the business goddess. Because it's just, it's insane the amount of control, that once you start developing it, you're able to have and there results that keep coming up or just incredible. And what really my mission of is to have science on our side because we only know so far about how these muscles work. and in fact I work with a bunch of pelvic floor physicians in order to develop the course. And these are the people who should know the most about the pelvic floor. But because still we really didn't have a reason to train them to such a degree. they didn't know. Okay, Yeah, I guess technically it makes sense that you'd be able to move the front and the back and the side and the side and the top layer in the lifeow. But you know, it's not something that we learn in medical school school. It's not something that is taught to us. And so it's, it's really interesting because all the research that we do have on pel public floor training has overwhelmingly positive effects for women of all ages, whether they have children, whether they haven't, whether they've add incont continnce from all parts of the world. And it enhances libido, it enhances pleasure, it enhances climax. there's a research that I absolutely love where the strength of the pelvic floor of a woman is so tightly related to how much she enjoys and how much she gets pleasure from sex that it's predictive of sexual frequency. So.

>> Ruin Willow: Wow.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: So it's so tied. It's. The correlation is so tied that the researchers basically see if you have a strong pelvic floor, it's very likely that you're having a lot of sex. But this is crazy. And yet we're not teaching anyone how to train it to this degree. so that's kind of what we do.

>> Ruin Willow: What I think is crazy too is I think a lot of people don't even think about the fact that it's an actual muscle. Yes, yes, right.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely. The only time we ever engage with them, is, you know, if we have to hold in our PE and like we Pull in. We sort of do a keiggle automatically. But in fact, the pelvic floor is already, part of our sexual experience because every time we orgas, our pelvic foreoo contracts involuntarily. Now, biggest, the fastest way to think about this is the stronger your pelvic floor muscles are, the stronger these involuntary orgasmic contractions get. And therefore the stronger the orgasm becomes. So if you just need one reason to train your pelvic floor, the stronger it is, the stronger your orgasm response. So that's.

>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, that's all the reason you need.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: All the reason you need. Yeah's.

>> Ruin Willow: Others are all great too. But that one women should want that you want to have an amazing orgasm. Who doesn't want to have an amazing orgasm? I think the people who maybe are not having, sex have not had that kind of experience because who wouldn't want that if you've experienced it?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: it's insane. The biggest, we've trained hundreds of thousands of women on this. And what the women from our program specifically talk about the most is how they were able to experience penetrative orgasms for the first time. Because for a while we decided, you know what, let's stop focusing on the vagina. Let's focus on the clitoris. And the clitoris is everything. The clitoris is fantastic, and we're big fans of the clitoris. I am not a clitoris in this lightightest. I absolutely love it. But a lot of people have this idea of like, oh, well, I guess pene, you know, if they're in the same. If they're in, in a heterosexual relationship. Well, I guess penetration is something that he likes to do. And I just, you know, I just kind of roll with it. But really I. She just focused on the clitoris and it's like, no, no. Your vagina is designed to give you pleasure. You're supposed to get a lot of pleasure from it. So perhaps you just don't know or you haven't or haven't been trained or we haven't been educated, which't proably doesn't support either of us on how to use it and how to get pleasure from it properly. so that is one of the biggest, changes we see in people who train vaginal gymnastics or pompoares. They develop this sensitivity inside the vagina. And all these different exercises essentially are designed to rub the different parts of your vagina in whichever way you like. So we talk about the building your own orgasm kind of thing, because when you start learning how to pullse and suck and twist at the. At the entrance versus the middle of the vagina versus the top.

>> Ruin Willow: Wow.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Start developing not just dexterity but sensitivity over throughout the entire range of motion of the vagina. So for exle's fascinating. It's crazy. It's crazy. I can get going so please interrupt me if I start talking.

>> Ruin Willow: No, but I think that, I mean like I don't even think I just myself and I've been talking with sexuality professionals and for several years I didn't even know that that kind of stuff was possible. I didn't know you could differentiate within there. You know, like people just don't know these things. This is mind blowing.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: It's crazy.

Vaginal gymnastics is a term that I kind of coined

We talk about three planes of motion or three, sor of axis. So we have the vertical axis of the vagina where you have. We try to differentiate between the entrance, the middle where most women will find their G spot and the top ne theervrvix. So we have those three levels vertically. Then we talk about a horizontal axis. So moving the right side walls.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Versus the left side walls. Just like you have right backc muscle or a right glute and a left glute. The same for your vagina. You have a right side and the left side. Then we talk about the sagittal axis which is the front of the vagina and the back facing your back and the front facing your belly. When you think about it, if you go to the gym or you'exercise in any way, you don't really just train your glutes using one exercise. You do it using squats and lunges and hip thrusts and glute bridges and kickbacks, et cetera, et cetera. The same is true for the vagina because different exercises will target each of these axes. and then you can then add more stuff like levels of intensity, power, endurance, elasticity, flexibility. All of this components of fitness also apply to the vagina. So that's why I like to call it. Vaginal gymnastics is a term that I kind of coined just because it's. It'fitness. It's vaginal fitness and gymnastics.

>> Ruin Willow: And I think that this idea will blow a lot of people's minds. Like they don't. It's not intuitive to know. And you know, we all know you have to work your muscles, we all know that. But nobody really thinks about it in the vagina like they don't think about. But the thing is true too, if you don't use it, you lose it. Right. So you'renn you can get atrophy there. Not only can you, not most of us don't know how to control it, we can also get atrophy.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Correct? Absolutely. And, a lot of women come to us because of urinary incontinence and organ proloapse. And that tends to happen as we age. We lose estrogen and so these muscles become weaker. But what tends to happen is that a lot of these women are. Feel really, discouraged because they think about this and they're like, well, there's nothing I can do. And then you have pharma selling them creams and lasers and vaginopolsies, and they're like, oh, I feel like I'm loose down there and I don't feel sex much, and my partner doesn't feel sex as much. What can I do? And they feel really. They feel really depressed. They feel really sad about all of these things. And then you have all these, outside sort of, fixes, and we're talking about surgeries that cost thousands and tens of thousands of dollars. When. And, a few women have come to us before doing a vaginoploisy, I'm like, wait, wait, you can actually stop. We have so much more control over our bodies than we're taught to believe. And that's. That's crazy.

>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, that is the crazy part, because I can tell you I've gotne my entire life until right now knowing that I could move different parts of my vagina separate from the others. Like sounds that sounds like mind blowing. You know, like. And I'm a nurse. I went to school to be a nurse. So o talking about this kind of stuff, you know, like, no way.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: No, it's. Well, I think we're probably. We'the only. We're the only company teaching this. This wages because we have other. There's. There's other people like Kimanaami, who's phenomenal, and she does a lot of vaginal weightlifting and a lot of Kegel stuff. And that's kind of the. The most. That. The most, sort of famous, sort of training for the pelvic floor muscles. Which are Kegels, right?

>> Ruin Willow: Commonly known, right? Yeah.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yes, yes. And those exercises were designed by Arnold Kegel, who realized that a lot of women with urinary incontinence or organ prolapse were able to train the muscles and then revert those effects. Then in modern times, we realize, oh, wait, those contractions happen automatically during orgasm. And then we realize that the stronger the pelvic floor Muscles were, the stronger those contractions got. But that's the end of it. When I started reading about this stuff and I started discovering about all of these things, I read stories and legends about women throughout time who were able to control the vagina in such a way, like Cleopatra, Helen of Troy, Wall. In fact, the closest example is Wallis Simpson, who's the woman that, King Edward VIII abdicated the throne for. And this woman was American, twice divorced. Like, nobody liked her in British society. And there was this rumor that. The rumor was she had learned in some establishment in Shanghai how to control her vagina to sort of entrap Edward. And that was, that was the actual. That the novelty. It's insane that the royals would spread around about Wallace. It's insaneff. As I was reading this, I was like, wait, can you, can you actually.

>> Ruin Willow: Right. Becauseess it's legit.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Because I mean, yeah, like, who doesn't want to be able to have that control over men? So let's figure it out. U. so that's when I decided, well, it was amidst the pandemic. I was like, well, I'm doing a lot of body, bodyeight fitness. I was learning about a lot about my muscles because I couldn't go to the gym. And so I'm like, well, how can I apply all of what we know about muscle biomechanics to the vagina? And I'm a major dork, by the way. So this is really important to this story. So I was like, I just became obsessed.

Once you start training consistently, you become aroused much more often

And so I started sort of developing this training and I was talking to doctors and I was like, is this possible? Is this possible? Well, yeah, technically it's possible. That was the biggest, like, you know, technically the muscles are there and technically the muscles respond in similar ways that all the muscles would respond. So yeah, take muscle.

>> Ruin Willow: The muscle. Right, right.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: So that was it. So I'm like, all right, okay. So then I started training. I started using it on my partner at the time, he likes to say that he was the first product tester. And we saw. And we saw our sex life completely transformed. Like, we were, you know, we were doing it a lot more often. I was, you know, I was getting to orgasm much faster. Whereas previously I was also a proponent of like, the clitoris. The clitoris, the clitoris. Now I was just enjoying penetration. And I'm like, this is crazy. This feels amazing. and so. And really weird things started going on. Like one of the craziest things that then I was able to. To prove that it happened. To other people. So I was like, okay, I guess I'm not a weirdo. But when you start training consistently, something that will happen is because you become so effective at, at drawing in blood to your generalital region. That's what you're essentially doing. ok, you become aroused much more often. In fact, a lot of the times you're training, you're doing your vaginal workout of the day. It's just 20, 20 or 15 minutes that you have to stop sometimes because you get a arousede on your own. And some women use it to just masturbate, to just climb a cur.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: So they would stop and they would have to. You take a cold shower, take a couple of seconds and then come back to the workout because you got really aroused. Something that might happen is that you might the loop of arousal, you know, the oxytocin release, your heart starting to beat faster, all of that becomes sort of optimized so it becomes faster. So your gas so much more often which with much less stimulation. So perhaps you start, you kissing your partner and things start ramping up and you're not even getting to genital touch yet and you can orgasm. And that's stuff that starts happening once you start training really frequently. it's almost like your vagina just becomes really, very much a trigger point for stimuli really, really fast. so yeah, it's very crazy things.

>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, I've always had issues with the people who say it takes women 20 minutes to be aroused. Like they're like saying it's like a biological thing or even a cultural thing. Like that's not true. And I know it's not true either because I have sex toys that can get me there in like a minute, a minute and a half. You know what I mean? So they're out there trying to, they're trying to do a good thing. They're trying to get people to get women into fouray get them aroused. But like you're saying we don't have to have this gap to arousal. There's reasons, there's jumps, there's leaps we can get ourselves there. And I already knew about this X toy one so now this is great too to know that this is, this is the same thing, only it's a different approach.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: I love what you're saying that we have all of these sort of sort of truths that we kind of spread around. You know, women are not a sexualist. Men and women, you know, take a lot longer to get aroused. And women, you know, as they Age, they probably won't want to have sex anymore. Or they get, you know, quote unquote loser. And like that's just, that's. Those are not truths at all. Or the clitoris. I keep going back to that. It's like, yes, the clitoris is phenomenal, but your vagina is supposed to give you pleasure. Like you have a bunch of muscles inside of you that are supposed to give you pleasure. And we just. And all the research points to that being true. So let's work on them and let's see if you can just experience pleasure in a completely new way. and then you have the side effect of like, yeah, if you have a male partner, he's absolutely going to go crazy for it. So I usually say what I usually preface, we're really big on techtok and I preface all the videos by saying, don't use this on a man you don't like. Please't. This dude is love. Stop calling you this guy will not get off your back. Once men experience this stuff, like there's no going back. I think is Chris Rock who has st. Who has a bit on this. It's like men cannot go backwards when it comes to sex. Like they can't this. It's over. So, so we need to get everyone to do this or just use your powers, for good.

>> Ruin Willow: I love that. Use your powers for good. On the right person. Right.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: On the right person. Yeah. The person who deserves. Yeah.

First thing you want to do is get your pelvic floor muscles strong

>> Ruin Willow: So when people are thinking about this and they're like, well, how much time would this take? How would I go about it? What are some overall overarching things that you could say without having to obviously go into all the things that are in the course because I would take way too much time anyways. What are some things that could give people more of an idea of what to expect?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: So we have a lot of free resources on our website that you can get started with. We have a free guide and what you want to be doing first before everything is you want to get your pelvic floor muscles. Strong strength is the foundation of all of this. If you have stronglvic for muscles, then you can move on to really complex skills. But some really simple exercises to get your muscles strong are your typical Kegel or contraction exercises. So you will inhale through your nose and as you exhale you lift with your pelvic floor muscles up as if you were holding your pee and then you relax and That is your simple kegel. The problem is a lot of people don't know how to kiggle properly. A lot of people push out, and it's actually the complete opposite. It's like you're sucking through a straw. It's what you want to be thinking about. So you're pulling inside of you. Once you're able to do that properly, you want to start doing it in a few variations. So you want to do long Kegels. So, for example, you want to inhale. As you exhale, you lift with your pelvic floor muscles up and you hold that contraction at the top for 10 seconds, and then you release again. Then you can do eccentric contractions. So you hold and then you slowly release down. All of these things are just variations of the same exercise and different ways of, stimulating the muscle fibers in your vagina. Now, other things you can do, then you can probably work on that for maybe one week if do. If you do it every single day, one week, minus the weekend, let's say five days every week. And you do all of these different types of contractions, which, again, we have a free PDF that, on our website. But if you do just these simple types of contractions for one week, five days of the week, you will notice the results fairly quickly. That tends to happen really quickly because you're working on a muscle that you weren't working on before. M. I want to preface by saying that some women will have to. You want to make sure that first you don't have a hypertonic pelvic floor. Some women hold a lot of tension in their pelvic floors, and they're already sort of locked up. and that's typically your type A people. People like me generally are people who hold a lot of tendion in their pelvic floor. So just. You want to make sure, you want to check with your doctor that everything's fine, you have the green light. Even if you don't. What you can then do is that your doctor should prescribe you some exercises to relax your pelvic floor muscles, and then you can start training. But it's essential that after each practice, whether you train for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 15 minutes, you properly stretch out your pelvic floor. At the end, you want to adopt some positions like the yogi squat or the sphinx or some really, ye. Some positions where your pelvic floor will be super stretched and you're not holding on to any contraction. Now, once you have that properly, that first week, you'll already notice some results. You'll feel, quote, unquote, tighter. I don't like the word, but that's the best way to sor of visualize it. You'll feel tighter, you'll feel more sensitive if you penetrate yourself. you'll feel a lot, you'll feel pleasured, that much more enhanced.

Next step is differentiating between a contraction and the squeeze

Now the next step would be differentiating between a contraction and the squeeze. When we talk about squeezing is when start differentiating between what we call the vertical axis and the horizontal walls.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Now I want you to see if you can activate the horizontal walls. When you contract, you are shortornening the vaginal canal. And when you squeeze, you'narrowing the vaginal canal so you're closing in horizontally. A really good exercise to feel this difference is I want you to imagine that you're trying to pick up a marble ball only using your vagina. And it feels a little silly, but that's kind of the idea. You're trying to pick it up, up just using your vagina. So you would first grip it and then you would lift up. Right. So that sort of flex to grip it. That is what we think about when we talk about squeezing. It's sort of like a flex of your walls to sort of push them together and press against each other. And so I want you to then once you do that grip in motion, you continue it as you continue pulsing in until you can't anymore. And that essentially means that you successfully close your vagina and then you can relax again. But it should feel really different than contracting and pulling in. Contracting and pulling in should feel almost like, an inner unique force in. Whereas pressing or squeezing feels a lot more subtle and feel like it's coming from your sides. Now the best way to tell, I always say this, it's not with your partner because when you do this on your partner, he's going to love everything, so he's going to useless. The best way to tell is usually with your fingers. if you're comfortable having your fingers inside of you, that is the best way to tell. Because when you contract. Because we contract much more often throughout our lives. Sometimes we contract when we exercise, sometimes when we hold in our pee when we orgasm. this keiggling motion is much more intuitive to our bodies. So y. You contract your fingers being wrapped up really tight and pulled in. So it's going to be really a powerful motion. Whereas when you start squeezing, you're going to slowly feel the different walls slowly wrapping around your fingers and not pulling and just closing in on your fingers. And that's what we want to get better at. That is the squeeze. And that is the horizontal axis of the vagina. And that is actually being able to control the lateral walls. Once you're able to do that, you can then move on to two different paths. And we have like a whole. I love doing like, charts, and like skill trees for this. But then different variations of a squeeze are. How about you start isolating the right wall and the left wall. See if you can squeeze just with your right wall and just with your leftl and then see if you can do it, you know, alternating. You squeeze one, you squeeze the. You squeeze one, you squeeze the other. Once you're able to do that, you can even. You can start tilting a penis inside of you or a toy or your fingers.

>> Ruin Willow: W that's insane.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: and then you can move on to squeezing at different levels of depth. So this gets really interesting because you can squeeze at the entrance of your vagina, at the middle of the vagina or at the top. And when you isolate those muscles, you can then do this sort of like wave, like whipping motion. We call that the whip. And that is again, it feels phenomenly good during sex because you're essentially, rubbing yourself throughout the entire range of motion of theally everything feels much more enhanced. So those are two different pathways. Then we like to move on to what we call the sagittal plane. Again, the front and back. And you can learn this as well as. Just like you learned a horizontal axis, you will learn how to move the front in isolation, the back in isolation, the two of them at different levels of depth. And with all of these combinations of planes of motion, we essentially discover and we devise, 12 unique regions of movement of the vagina. You have the top right side, the top left side, the top, the front, the top, the back, the middle left side, right side, front and back, and then the same in the entrance. So we have all of these different regions where we can essentially control. And you become just. Yeah, your vagina becomes like a five star massage. Like you can just do a bunch of different things.

>> Ruin Willow: Wow, that is amazing.

So when people just understand kegel, they don't understand the whole process

So when people just. People are just kind of familiar with the kegel, what part of what you said is related to that? Like when you're talking about the squeezing or the pulling up, because sort of I feel like the kegel is kind of around that. So how could you, explain that to people if they really only understand the kegel? Like, what part of that the keyl is.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: What we first talked about is what I called the contraction throughout this talk. When I see contracting or pulling, that is your kegel. So pulling, contracting, kegling. We use those terms interchangeably. and that is what we call the vertical axis. You're pulling in. It's a vertical move and your pulling inside. Now, there are variations of keigs, just like I said. You can pull in and hold and then relax. You can pull in fast, but then relax slowly. You can do something that we call the milking technique, which is actually one really beginner friendly exercise, where you pull really slowly all the way up, you hold for a few seconds, and then you release really slowly all the way down. And the reason why you want to do this is you want to do it. and as you pull in, you can imagine that you pick up this marble ball and you're taking it all the way through an elevator, all the way up to the top level, and then releasing it back down. I want you to think about the three levels that we spoke about. I want you to think about when you're pulling that marble in. Imagine the entrance, then the middle, and then the top, and then going down the top, the middle, and the engrance this way. This is going to do a few things. First of all, you're going to be making sure that you're doing, you're practicing proper form and you're training the vagina and in its full range of motion. And not just the entrance, not just the middle, not just the top. You're doing a full, full, full kegel or full contraction. But also you start to distinguish what it feels like to move each of vertical levels. Oh, it feels really different when I do the entran. Oh, the middle feels a little bit tougher. Oh, when I get to the top, I feel a lot of resistance because of my cervix o. And then you relax back down and you build strength throughout the muscle, throughout the pelvic floor. that's again a variation of a kegel that we call the milking technique. Then when we use that in the bedroom, it feels really good because, I talk about something called, the opposing forces technique. And what happens here is, when you're being penetrated, whether by your partner, by a toy, by some fingers, that's when you want to release. You want to sort of relax your muscles as you're being penetrated. Then you want to pull in as, your partner, your fingers, your toy is pulling away from you. And that can sound a little bit counterintuitive, but there are a few reasons for doing this. The first reason is as you train throughout the Week and again, the workouts last 15 to 20 minutes and then 5 to 10 minutes of just stretching. As you train throughout the week, you are developing texture inside your vagina. Essentially, you're building the muscles that surround it. Therefore, you become much tighter and much more sensitive. So when you release, you're providing some resistance to whatever is entering you. So you know how when you're having sex, that very first penetration feels really good and for some reason it feels way better than the subsequent ones. Well, when we talk about when we do pompoire, women feel like every thrust feels like that initial one because you're so tight and you feel really, really strong. Essentially, when you're relaxing your vagina, you already have all this texture that your partner or your toe or whatever is working against. But then when you're pulling after pulling out, there are a couple of things that happen. First of all, you're essentially not allowing them to let go of you and you're grabbing against the peniss or whatever and essentially creating that friction in your genitals. And it feels really, really, really, really good. But also psychologically, men, we have a lot of men write to us thanking us for teaching this to their w. Yeah, we had this man, he was in his 60s and he sent us flowers and he was. The guy was from the US but he made from. I'm based in Argentina. The guy made sure that he called a floreist in Buenos Aires to deliver flowers to my place. Like, because the guy was like, we, my wife and I, we'been. We've been struggling've been. We love each other deeply, but we've been struggling with our sex life for years. And now this has completely changed us and we're having sex all the time. And thank you so much. He was lovely. M Most loving. And, a lot of men tell us that, when you're on all force and you're being penetrated on all fours and you do this milking technique and you're pulling as they're pulling away from you, the sight of a woman not allowing your dick to let go of her.

>> Ruin Willow: Right.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Probably the best feeling and the best vision can imagine in the world. So I can imagine, but I'm trying to imagine. I imagine it is pretty good. But yeah, it feels u psychologically does something to a a oh, for sure.

>> Ruin Willow: Because men are very penis centric. You know what I mean? Like, you know, oh, she loves it.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Ye God, that makes.

>> Ruin Willow: It actually makes a lot of sense. And I think it's just interesting because it's like, a. You know, women think maybe that they're just there and they're just passive and they're just being, you know, thrust into and then, then they can't really do it. You know what I mean? Like, I think that's a lot of what a lot of people think.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yeah, just stay there. There's like a term for it, right. I learned the other day, like the start to starfish. Is that it? Is that correct?

>> Ruin Willow: Like, I heard that term m before. Okay. Yeah.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: And that s. Yes. Yet another truth. You know, women just later and the dude does all the work and it's like, no, no. The interesting part about that, which I love this topic is women kind of like I developed this training, but then when I started, started coaching it, and we started a course and all the women started string and they started doing the exercises. They made it their own. So the craziest thing about this community. Community is like some women came to us being like, dude, I wanted to be dominant for so long and this allows me to be really dominant and do all of these things. And like, watch, watch his face as I'm twisting his dick.

>> Ruin Willow: Like it o. I can imagine.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: But other women are like, I finally feel submissive and I always wanted this because, you know, I suck on his stick a couple of times with my vagina and he goes crazy and he just becomes this like, man. And he just really wars me. And like it's so I'm like, wow, like two completely different experiences from the same training. And then we have women, same sex relationships, really love doing it together.

Your vagina is designed to give you a lot of pleasure, Mar m

and then we have women who are single, they're like, I just used this to masturbate. So it's just wonderful saying all the different uses that you have for it just by understanding your body better and that it's designed for your pleasure. yeah.

>> Ruin Willow: And that's the thing. We don't. A lot of our cultures, especially in the US that's not seen as a thing like we were meant to have pleasure where our bodies were created with pleasure in mind. We weren't given these nerve endings to not feel them, to not use them, you know, and these muscles in these places that nobody talks about because.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Right.

>> Ruin Willow: We're not taught it, nobody talks about it.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: I love that. I, the other day, I was, the other day I was talking to a guy about. He asked me what I did for a living and I was telling him about this and I'm like, I know it's about sex, but it's actually a really wholesome course because the course doesn't have any important?ography the course is, like, all animate and images. And he's like, well, sex and wholesome are not opposites. Like, there should't. That shouldn't be. That shouldn't be, like both things can work together. And I was like, wow. I never actually thought. Yeah, that makes sense. Yes, of course. Right?

>> Ruin Willow: Does. That's because our cultures teach us that it's. Sex is negative, sex is bad. But we don't think about that when we're. I always. I say this all the time. We don't think about when we're eating a strawberry that we're not supposed to taste. Mar m I'NOT supposed to touch something soft and, like, the way it feels. But somehow when it's down in our genitals, everybody sees it as different. Bad. It was like, no, it's just another part of our body. We were created to feel these things, you know?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Absolutely. I love that. Absolutely. I love that. I think that's so great. Yes. and the biggest thing that I want women to take away from this is just. Yeah, you were designed for pleasure. Your vagina is designed to give you a lot of pleasure. Not just your clitoris, the internal part as well. It's designed for your pleasure. And it's not just penetration shouldn't just be something that you have to endure because someone else likes it. It's something that you're going to really, really love because it for. It's a sign for. It's designed for your pleasure. So, that's a big thing. And we have a lot more control over our bodies than we think. And we're still kind of discovering that in all areas of science, we're still discovering. Oh, my God, like, our bodies are incredible. This is ridiculous how little we know about itah right.

>> Ruin Willow: I mean, just think of this. We're in 2024, and just recently, somebody figured out how many nerve edings are in the clitoris. Over 10,000. Like, we just found that out. And not that long ago, in both of our lifetimes, we figured out what the clitoris looked like we didn't know before anning. So not only do we not know enough about the clitoris, we don't know enough about hormones. We don't know enough about the actual vagina, like you're saying. So we're just on the cusp of finding these things out. And so we need to get this word out to people that you do have control over your vagina. It's not just a hole o you.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Have a lot of control. You can do crazy things with it. Crazy things, Crazy things. Again, just use your powers for good. but yes, crazy, crazy things.

What do you find more helpful getting the book or doing the course

>> Ruin Willow: So when women are trying this, do they find, so what do you find more people find more helpful getting the book or doing the course? I mean, are they similar things or are they separate in some way? Just a different format?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: I love this question. So I started with the course just because we were coaching women. We coached women for a year, around the world. And we'like every time I brought, like we would coach each other through zoom. So every time I would bring like a drawing, they would understand the exercises that much faster because obviously these muscles are inside of us so there's not visual feedback as if you were, you're doing a bicep curl and you can see your muscle working. But when I drew a vagina, even though I'm a terrible drawing, but they would understand things much better, I'm like, okay, fantastic. Then, I decided to sor design the course and do it a self guided thing where they could just log in and they knew what to do on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. These are all different exercise and explaining it. And so I hired an animator, I designed it all and we animated an entire course. And my biggest thing was I want this to be really, I want this to be very pleasing to the eye and I don't want this to be pornographic in any way because I don't want, you know, a mom to be working out in her bedroom, which by the way, they just look like yoga poses or you're sitting down and it looks like you're just sitting down like a weirdo, not doing anything because you're fully close, just doing the thing. But I, I want a woman to be watching the course and if a little kid walks in, he's not traumatized for life. That was like my big thing. I wanted it to be, you know, very, very nice looking. And it's all artistic, it's all colorful. I, love color. So it's really crazy. right. So that was the course. We did that for two years. We, you know, people loved it. And then I was like, well, people, kept asking about my story and how I found out and about the history of Pompoire. And as we kept discovering more exercises, we keep updating the course, but it takes a longer to update the course. I was like, well, what if I just break down the science and what we know about vaginal biomechanics and so that someone can essentially learn how the vagina works and then create their own exercises for life. The book, what the book teaches you is basically all the theory. It first starts with my story and how I develop the course and how pompeo, what pompoire really is, and if some women were able to do this, et cetera. and then the second part of the book is all about how the vagina works. How you can develop this three planes of motion, the vertical plane, the sagittal, the horizontal plane, and how. And it teaches you different exercises for of these planes, then how to put those planes together for more complex skills that are what we call multip planar movements that involve multiple planes of movement at once. And then how you can develop your own skills, how you can test this out in the bedroom in which positions. the stories from women who have done it. Because I love every time we do the course and we does live coaching, they tell us new stories. So I have advice from women from all over the world and their favorite exercises and how they use them, et cetera.

>> Ruin Willow: Nice.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: and I teach you how to put together your own workout. But essentially the book is a resource for people who are more like, I just want to learn it. I'm a self learner. I want to learn this myself. I don't need anyone telling me what to do on Monday, Tuesday, just give me the science and I'll put together my own program and I'll design the exercises. So that's kind of the difference. The course kind of holds you by the hand and tells you exactly what to do. And you obviously have the visual animation component to it. but the book also has a bunch of images because it would be really hard to understand the exercises without images. So the book is just a bunch of infographics explaining each of the steps. so that's the main difference. But I would always say get the book first. 10 bucks on Kindle, 20 bucks on paperback. Always get the book first and then see if you. Anything. Yeah, I always think the book is a phenomenal resource. If you feel like you want more hand holding and you want a community and you want something else, then you can think about the program. But get the book because it has all the information that you need that.

>> Ruin Willow: Makes a lot of sense and to like your whole elevator visualization. I think it's really helpful too, because this is very, in a very ambiguous thing. This is inside our bodies. It's not we, we're looking at our hand. We're Looking at our arms. This is ambiguous. This is kind of hard to picture and wrap your brain around the fact. You know what I mean? So that's a really good thing. And to have people that. Yeah. Learn different ways to have it in the book versus.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Exactly, exactly.

>> Ruin Willow: Because we all learn differently. But what I love about this is this is female empowerment. This is females taking control of their sensuality, sexuality, and pleasure and claiming it even more than other ways. Like, this is the ultimate claiming, in my opinion.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: I love it.

A lot of women come to us for low lib veato

I had a message the other day on TikTok. it was a guy, actually, who said, you're going to make women take over the world. Like, what are youn. What are you doing? I like. I hope so. I hope so. Exactly.

>> Ruin Willow: Yeah.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: It's crazy stuff. It's crazy stuff, what we can do.

>> Ruin Willow: Right? You're right. It doesn't have to be pornographic at all. This is about our body, and there's nothing wrong with our bodies. Our bodies are natural. We don't need to feel bad about our bodies. Right. Like, you know, so many people make us feel. Yeah. So many people make us feel bad about our bodies or that we're just like this vessel or something, you know, like, no, we're active. We're fluid. You know, we can grow and harness things, including a penis, you know? Sounds like a great thing. You know, I don't know why anybody would not want to do this.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: You know, like, with great power comes great responsibility. That's the only thing I'll say. Just make sure it's the right person, because, yeah, it's a lot. I agree. I agree 100%. I just want to have sculptures of vaginas all over, because every day I keep learning new stuff that we can do with it. and the craziest thing is, again, I think the most empowering thing is that it's ageless. We have this woman I always talk about. In every single podcast, I talk about the same woman because I wish she was my grandma. This woman, she lives in a nursing home, and she got the quot she is our most dedicated student. This woman isiting havoc. She's having sex with all of the men.

>> Ruin Willow: That's fantastic.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: This is like, o. I think she's so. I'm not sure if she's 80. This one is phenomenal. And she comes back, she's super active in the community, and she's like, yo, I tried this new thing, and it worked in does. Oh, my woman is, like, twisting men in their 80s. And I'm like, this is this is what I want my 80s to be. This is.

>> Ruin Willow: Yes. Well, isn't this opposite of what we're taught? You know, people, women, midlife and they don't want to have sex anymore and they're not interested. Atrophy, you know?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yes.

>> Ruin Willow: Like, no, absolutely.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: And she, it's, she's proof. No, but it's amazing because a lot of women come to us for low lib veato because a lot of, you know, I've always been, I've always been the higher libido, ah. Person in my relationships'm a serial monogamous. The two relationships I had always been the highest libido. which is another misconception. You know, it's usually the man who wants to have sex all the time. No. so. And a lot of women who maybe a little bit older, they come to us and they're like, I used to really like sex and I don't know what's going on. I just don't feel sexual. I don't feel desired. Like, am I. Is this going to be like that forever? Like, is there anything we can do? I'm like, well, before you consider, a big thing right now is testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone therapy for women. I'm like, well, let's see if we can do this. Because pelvic floor training naturally raises testosterone in women. So let's see if we can work on it. And every single time without fall, they've improved their libidato. So I'm like, wow, how is it that we don't have more science on this? That stuff just at ah, some point, I'm just like, this is crazy. This is crazy.

>> Ruin Willow: That's because people aren't throwing money at it. That's why this is why we need people like you.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: I'm about to enroll in a PhD just to do this. I just want to get this out there. I'm obsessed with getting this, getting the science behind this. That's like my, my obsession. right now.

>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, I can. It's a very good passion to have. And it's very unknown. It's just like basically unknown. You know, largely unknown across the world.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: It's absolutely unknown. It's crazy. so yeah, so that's why I think people who allow me to have the platform. Thanks to you, we can share the world. So that's.

>> Ruin Willow: Oh yeah, absolutely. I mean, and what I think is so great about this is you're not having to like buy a bunch of barbells and all that.

In our society about, you know, women as we age, we're not

Stuff. This is just your body, right?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: It's all inside of you.

>> Ruin Willow: It all your body and your time and your commitments.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yes. Yes. That's funny you mentioned that. A lot of our students are like, you know, I'm not sure if I want everyone to know this. It's my secret. I'm like, oh, come on. That is toxic femininity. That is toxic femin.

>> Ruin Willow: That isxic.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Should have. Come on, let's not get this stuff. So like what My response to that is always, you know, everyone has access to, you know, bodyeight exercises and not yet everyone is j.

>> Ruin Willow: They don't do it right.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: You know, so. So it does. Just because it's out there doesn't mean that. That everyone's going to do it. You still have to put in the time and you still have to, you know, especially the time. You still just have to do every single thing and you have to do proper form and breathing and stretching just to make sure that you're right. so even if the word got out there, not every woman would do it. That's just.

>> Ruin Willow: No, they wouldn't. They wouldn't. And guess I'm the opposite way. I'm like more people having sex. Yes. More people getting busy. Yes, yes, yes, yes. Everywhere, all over the world. Because this is what we were meant to do. And I just feel like it gets 'like all these women, like, they think that, oh, I just don't have the sex drive anymore and that they're like stuck and that this is how the rest of their life is going to be. And that's really sad.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yeah. Yeah, it's. There's a huge thing about. In our society about, you know, women as we age, we're not. We're no longer sexual beings. You know, it's right. You know, our job is just to. I don't even know, exist. Like I don't even know what's's. What's. What's left for women is according to. To the world after, you know, after 60. What's your. What's your thing? You play golf and like what's your grandma like's where you supposed. That's crazy.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: S. Crazy. That's half of our lives, like the lifespans that we have right now. You. You're in midway.

>> Ruin Willow: Like what are we talking about exactly? it's like the first half of our lives we're getting. Or when we're little, we're getting ready to.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: To.

>> Ruin Willow: To be sexually active, to be a parent, to be a mother. And then Motherhood. Motherhood. Motherhood. Midlife hits. Oh, now you have no sex drive. It's like we're divided between.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: And you're done.

>> Ruin Willow: Motherhood and not having a sex drive or not even talking about not having a. Not having sex. Where's the sex drive and all of that, right?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: In that logic, what are, we having sex from 20 to 30 and that's it. That's right. That's insane. Sex is way too good. you should be like, you should be like the grandma that nurs.

>> Ruin Willow: Right, Exactly. Who wouldn't want that the rest of their life to be having that much pleasure all the time? And I don't understand why people don't seek that out. Or they just, I think maybe people just don't know and they're just like, oh, this is my lot in life. They believe what they're told and that that's it.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: That, that's so sad. We have a lot more control over our bodies than we think. yeah, that's the biggest. I think that's the biggest takeaway. Not just for this, but I think for everything. We're realizing that just, just how much control and ye. How much control we have over our bodies. And I love that. I think that's great.

If you train throughout the week, it's going to make your orgasm stronger

>> Ruin Willow: And how about the different strengths of orgasms? Like you said, it's going to make your orgasm stronger. And as far as for my body, I feel like there's different levels of orgasms. Like there's weaker ones and there's middle ones and there's really strong ones. Do you feel like there is more of across the board of the different strengths of orgasms or is there more bigger ones? Or what do you have to say about orgasm with this?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: So it's a couple of things. The first thing is the pleasure throughout the sexual encounter is almost like if you imagine that the pleasure is here and then suddenly you orgasm, it's almost like the pleasure is already really close to orgasming right at the gates. You just experience more pleasure from the beginning, from the get go. Now then, and this is by default by the way, if you train throughout the week, you don't even have to do an exercise during the sexual encounter. you just by default are going to feel things that much more intensely. But then throughout the sexual encounter, you're going to want to show off your skills and you're going to want to be like o now in this position, I remember that sucking, which is one of the exercises, feels really, really good. So I'll do one of those that will ramp things up and you might orgasm from that. Then you go back to default state of really good pleasure. And then you might think, oh, I want to do the milking technique. And you do that one and then you orgasm again. It's almost like everything is ramped up. Your default state is ramped up and then you can orgasm much more frequently. That's the biggest thing. Like your orgasms get stronger. Yes. And that's just by having a stronger pelvic floor. but they get really fl ###n like the amount of women who have multiple orgasms. That is one of the most reported, benefits of this. You just orgasm time and time again. and that is a big, big, big, big thing. Yeah, sure. Sometimes clitoral orgasm. Can. I like to think about the difference between the clitoral and the penetrative orgasm symptoms. With a clitoral orgasm, it feels really intense and then you're like, like, all right, I need to stop for a second. After that you, you need to take a breather. Whereas when you're being penetrated that you can keep going. You can keep going. Well, that's kind of what happens. You just have a lot of them and you just want to keep going. So sometimes what will happen is just you finish having sex and like an hour later you kind of want sex. Just become a very sexual being is the thing. And the great thing about that is, So I've been single for almost a year, at this point, and I continue training just because, because, just like so many women, I like having a high libido. I really, really.

>> Ruin Willow: Oh yeah.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yes, really. Even if I'm not with anyone, even if I'm not having sex. I just love how I go around the world, yes. Go through my life with a higher libido. It's like everyone feels more attractive and somehow the roses smell nicer and the food tastes better. It's really weird, but you feel like you're kind of like shining and everything's like an opportunity. And like you start imagining all these things feels, it's. It's like confidence.

>> Ruin Willow: Right?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Is this empowerment? Interesting. that's huge. I didn't know there were so many single women doing the course. And then when I started, we did sort of like a poll on this and so many of them were like, dude, I will not stop ever. Just, I just, I just love the feeling of having. And also a lot of them are like, I like the feeling of having this secret power that nobody knows that I can. I just love this community it's just really. It's just really.

>> Ruin Willow: That is awesome. Yeah. And I think that's really cool too, for a community. For some people, that that's important, you know, to be able to talk to others. And I think, yeah, you're go going toa probably find out different things that you didn't even expect. Like you said, you're getting all these stories from people.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Ah.

>> Ruin Willow: Invaluable. Right. Like, personal anecdotes are important because it helps you find out new things.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: It's wonderful. It's what I love the most. I think this year I just, I'm all in on goddess just and creating more content, doing more things. But I think a big pivot for me was when I started at the beginning, when I launched a course, I didn't really have a lot of like, people loved it. And when I asked them, they were like, oh, yeah, this is great. But I was like, am not having as much contact as I did when I was coaching one on one. So I'm like, well, how can I, have this feedback again? Because I like it fuels me much more than any number of sales will. Like, if a woman comes to me and she's like, dude, I did not. I never had a vaginal orgasm before. I tried this. That changed my entire week. Like, I'm the happiest person that changes my world. So I'm like, I need more of this.

I recommend just not using it or not do that. It's your body. Do whatever you want with this power

So then when I was, writing the book, I was like, I just sent out an email to all of our students in the tell me your stories. and that's something that I decided to include in the book because women from all over the world, like from Tanzania, this woman, like, women from all societies where sex is very, very looked down on, like, crazy things from all over the world. These women in all different ages, and that just. That is what makes me the happiest. that's the best.

>> Ruin Willow: Yes.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: And everyone has made it their own. Everyone uses it in a different way. and that's the cool thing because you're supposed to use it however you want. It's your body. Do whatever you want with this power. but yeah, I do recommend just not use it or not do that. You don't want to slee ever again.

>> Ruin Willow: Might not want to use on a hookup of you re.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: If it's not good sex, especially because you's gonna want to do it again. And you're like, no, no, no, I had a lot of fun, but you weren't doing your job. So.

>> Ruin Willow: I just Love this because it's just so much more active and that women can take a more active role, you know, not only in their own sexuality, but in their relations with others. So to me, that's just. That's a ginormous thing. This is really huge, and I'm m really excited to share it with people because it's super important.

I love helping married couples. But I also love, um, we had a couple of instances

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: I want to get you the book because I wonder if you can, if you can include some pompur in one of your stories. Because I can imagine just like, oh.

>> Ruin Willow: I would totally do that.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Oh. Because we have women who are like, this is probably kind of bittersweet, but, like, we have this woman who had always is not gonna pay me a great light, but this woman, she had been with her high school sweetheart all her life. And, she was 28. And you started doing this and she's like, dude, I think I have to break up Belle because I kind of want to start using this on men and just, like, leave them, like, wanting me and then just. Then just leave them. And she was like. And I. And I said, you're just using this for evil at this point. Like, I just kind of have this fantasy. This fantasy of me just m sleeping with man doing this on them, blowing their minds and then never calling them again. You are. You are the devil. You are. But she had so much fun. She wrote a whole. This is crazy.

>> Ruin Willow: It's like a story. That's like a story, right? Like, I mean, story.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: That's. And I think that's a full erotica novel. I was thinking one, if I ever write erotica, I would just write your story. I'JUST learning this and just using it to be like, I don't know, like this super. Like this. Not superhero, just like this villain Super.

>> Ruin Willow: Yeah, like a superpower with the villain. Right. Vaginal superpower for evil.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Od. That's terrible. But, you know, more power to you.

>> Ruin Willow: More forward to her. And, you know, she might feel like she's maybe, you know, getting her power back and getting back it. Maybe she feels like she was used a lot. You know what I mean? Like, for her, that could be just a, fantasy of empowerment that she's never been able to harness. Right?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yeah. Yeah. One of I, ah, love. I love helping married couples. But I also love, we had a couple of instances where the woman had been abused in the past. And so sure, she could never. She could never look at sex the same way again. And so we work with their. Because I actually had their surace. Do you think this you think this could be helpful? And we tried it together and we started coaching her. And she started using it in a very similar way. Not with plenty men, but, in a more dominant way because she was like, I never experienced sex in a way where I am in control of whether I come or not. I never thought about it that way. Now even if he's not, even if it's not great, I can. I can still orgasm because I'm doing all of these things. So she completely reshaped her idea of sex. So I'm like, oh my God, like, that's just huge.

>> Ruin Willow: I mean, what a wonderful thing. That's the kind of story that's just. It's 100% life changing. 100%, yeah. Amazing.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: That's really great. Yeah.

>> Ruin Willow: Yeah.

So where do you see yourself going next with your journey

So where do you see yourself going next with. With your journey?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: So, well, I kind of. My idea now is to get the word out there. We're doing a few things at the moment. I'm translating the book into Spanish. it's my first language and I have it in English. It's crazy that I don't have in Spanish.

>> Ruin Willow: It's just ridiculous.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: It's just that it makes no sense. But it's just because I started coaching women from the US So it just developed in English. but I'm gonna. We're releasing it at the end of the year in Spanish.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: N. We'releing a full new advanced course for women who are just really obsessed with this and want to do the ringing really, really, really complex skills. We releasing it at the end of the year which will be for everyone who's on the program already. and the idea is just to keep adding new lessons, adding new stuff and just get the word out there. and my other idea more on the sort of science community because I really want to get the research out there is I'm going to enroll on a master's degree for kinesiology and physiology. Because I want my thesis to me on this. and I want to people who are way smarter than me involved in this and getting a proper, investigation going, and analysises. So'that's what I really want. That's what I really want to dedicate the next next few years too.

>> Ruin Willow: So that is phenomenal. yes. And that's so needed. It's. Can't say it s strong enough. It's so needed. All of it.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yeah. And I'm excited to get you the book. That's the next thing I'm going To do this. Your address and I'll get you the copy because okbion is so cute.

>> Ruin Willow: Yes. And then I can. And then I will definitely talk about it again too. So I'll have you back anytime you want to come back and talk again. I would love to.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yes. Especially because I want to know how you go. I want to know which one's your favorite exercise. That's gonna be awesome. I want toly you get obsessed with. Yeah. Awome.

>> Ruin Willow: This is so awesome. Thank you so much for coming on.

Is there anything we didn't talk about yet that you had wanted to mention

Is there anything we didn't talk about yet that you had wanted to be sure to mention?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: I. I think we covered pretty much everything. I think that's great. If they want to learn anything else, we have go to our website gois.comt it's just a word. Goddess with an H after the O. as in the O for orgasm.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Oh yes. So we have there we have a free PDF where you can start. Get started. Begin our Skyp to just get started with this. We have access to the book, we have access to the course, we have coaching, we have everything. And we have a blog that I update every single week with new stuff on this. because yeah, I just. My goal is just for everyone woman to be able to do this and you use it however way they want.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Yeah.

>> Ruin Willow: That is awesome. And I said it wrong in the beginning. I said goddess is godus.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: No, look, it's truly. It's whatever you want it to be.

>> Ruin Willow: I suppose you can say it either way, right?

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: It's good either way. It's good either way. As long as you write it correctly. It's good either way.

>> Ruin Willow: I don't care exactlyactly.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: O.

>> Ruin Willow: this was phenomenal. Thank you so much. I'm really excited about this and it's just.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Wow.

>> Ruin Willow: It's mind blowing.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Thank you so much. Yeah, thank you for. Thank you for having this platform. Like the work that you're doing is very, very necessary. especially today. Thank you so much.

>> Ruin Willow: I know and what I love is that m. You know, people in all these countries are listening in a lot of super oppressive countries that are that so oppressive about sex and sexuality and women and learning about their bodies and pleasure and people and countries are listening to this around the world. I mean that's. That is enough for me to want to keep doing this. Like that is I'm impacting people's of livelihoods, their sexuality, their happiness, wellness. That's mind blowing to me too. So again everybody around the world, thank you for listening. I hope that it helps you. You, have a better life. Thank you so much for coming on. I really appreciate it.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: Thank you. Thank you.

>> Ruin Willow: Oh, absolutely. You have a good day.

>> Bell D. Lorenzo: You too. Bye.

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